Thursday, July 17, 2008


I just got back from Missouri. It was a total awesome vacation. I saw my baby Sophie. She's totally full of personality. She's so cute. I love her. I also saw Evie, Katie, Jake, and Sam. Sam had his moods, but he was still a blast. He's hilarious. Katie and I got along so well it was great I had so much fun. Jake never looks diff. Evie gave us window art. Loll. I love her monkey noise. OH OH AH AH. Marla was a blast. She's so cute. I know I shouldn't say that about her since she's my aunt and all... but she is. She's awesome.

I went to a blueberry farm. I met a boy.. No need to say more.

Life's great. I've been so happy lately. It's a wonderful mood. I lovee lovee lovee it. I can't wait until my Mommy's (LISAAAAA) birthday. I love that woman. She taught me so much.

She doesn't know how lucky I am. You don't get lucky until you have my family. My aunts, grandparents, uncles, cousins, sisters and brothers, parents, Ken, everyone. I'm glad I have the people I do. (((:


Saturday, July 5, 2008


AHHH, last night i went to see JOSH GRACIN.. i got a picture with him!! he grabbed my hand during the concert and put his arm around me ((SCREAMMM HAPPILY)) i am still excited!! it was amazing he's a sweetie ((: he's sooo my nashville crush. im jealouss of his wife!! lucky frickn duck ((: well im downloading music to my mp3 soo bye. ((:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Okay I'll post. I'm at my Nana's.

I gave a talk in church. My favorite 17 year old came to my church to see me talk. I was really nervous.. and I never get nervous! I mean I'm a cheerleader and dancer.. No time to get nervous. On Monday I guess.. We are going to go to MISSOURI!! I get to see the Arnold's I believe.. And also my grandparents. I can't wait! I'll post another blog in a minute with pictures. It'll be krunktastic ((: I miss my family.

Babies are about 1/4 of my life. I love my baby sisters so freaking much. While I'm over there I basically own one and when I'm anywhere else I talk about them constantly. They remind me of me. They always try to talk, walk, and sit up. They are so cute. My other favorite baby would HAVE to be Avery Grace (my cousin). She can say some words, she walks, and she dances, she loves to talk. OH and she loves the cell phones. Just like me. OOH BOY OOH BOY. I also love all my other cousins. But they are all so big. I miss my baby Sophie a lot...

Another fourth of my life goes to dancing. I dance everywhere!! All the time. Actually I should say dancing is my life.. But I won't. I loveee sports too. Basketball please (((: I have a really mean catch ((: It's pretty awesome. WOOT WOOT. Probably the athleticness comes from Marla, Max, and the dancing and cheering comes from Rissa, Tab, and Mark. Loll.

The other other fourth is family and friends. My friends get pretty much my full attention. Except occasionally when I slip out and go to Nana's or Dad's or Tab's. Yeah yeah pretty much ((: With my friends.. I watch movies, go shopping (okay I always shop so sue me) With family.. I do alot. I won't name it all. By the way I have half and half friends (that means alot of boys) loll. So dad you might want to watch out. Yep yep yep yep (:

The last fourth goes to church, education, and entertainment. I loved church camp. And giving a talk. And my church friends and teachers. I have my own little world of peace while I'm there. It's a totally amazing feeling. (: So I'll just have to go whenever I can. I'm reading a book for school. OH how much I love it. It's really good. It caught my attention! It's so small though. Oh darn. I'll have to see if there is a second one. Entertainment wise... I listen to alot of music. Mainly my cinderella story soundtrack, Avril Lavigne and JONAS BROTHERS! I love them!

Well I'm going to lunch with my mommy and Mikey bye. I love everyone. KISS KISS.