Sunday, April 19, 2009

): stress is... stressing

Well, where do I start? Life is so dang hectic sometimes you just have to let everything drop and take a moment to lay down and relax, and honestly I can't, even if I am only 13. So maybe I don't have work and everything all the time but let's make a list on what I DO have:
2. siblings
3. homework
4. family issues
5. drama
6. school
7. school programs
8. friends
9. aches and pains/ girlie periods
10. family everywhere...
11... death):
I'll explain the list kind of simply...
Well like everyone else, I do have a life outside of school/family. I try to combine it all though and it really stresses me out.
1 I made a perfect score on Reading TAKS and I am very eager to find out Math scores, and I have Science and history to prepare for.
2 I have seven siblings, I live with only one, but when we're all together you just have to go step by step and see what happens.
3 I have nonstop homework that is ALWAYS hard and takes a while, and for ya'lls knowledge, next year I am taking all preAP. OUCH!
4 I don't ever really get to talk to my family as a whole and it as hectic, and I don't get along with everyone, so yeah.
5 I'm in eighth grade, so obviously there is little boy fights and girl cat fights and a big problem is drugs in my school, but don't worry I don't hang out with the crack head wanna be bad kids. I'm still the simple little angel I always have been!(:
6 Just school in general is a night-freaking-mare! It is so hard to get to class on time, but I manage it. I have my friends saying stuff like............... Lexi, hey Lexi, girl what's up, SKEMBO GIVE ME A HUG GIRLIE!!!, Bimbo what's up?! while I am trying to get to class, it gets kind of old. Lunch isn't as simple as it was in elementary either! Lunch, who would've thought, can be the WORST part of the day sometimes.
7 I have a lot of school things to do like dance and pep rallies, national junior honor society, etc.
8 My peeps are kind of well.... crazy, insanely crazy but I love 'em. We try to hang out as much as we can, and that can be stressing, not even joking!!
9 I always hurt and especially right now my allergies are KILLING me. I did something to my knee, there goes running and dancing for atleast a few days, actually I'll just, you know act like it doesn't hurt (that could be bad though)!
10 My family lives in like a billion places, Utah, California, Texas, Missouri, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and that is all I can think of. But we can never really connect and get together, and it's hard especially through times like deaths and injuries or awards and birthes.
11 Death, is what hurts me the most, I can barely breathe when people die, and it hurts the most when I am really close to them, but right now I believe my uncle Max is holding on and will not die. So please pray on that note.

Seriously I am stressed and I don't even want to deal with all this, plus a man I love very much [uncle Max], is in critical condition and guys, please please please please do pray.